
CountryMusicOnTour.com is dedicated to making your concert ticket buying experience as easy and inexpensive as possible. We focus on just country music artists so we’re not distracted by sports events, pop music, theater, or any other special tickets… just country. Because of that we are able to stay in the know on the latest concert announcements, tour schedules, headliners, opening acts, and venues that matter to you, country music’s biggest fan! If you have a question not answered here, please feel free to leave it in the comments below.

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Concert Ticket Inventory

Most of our tickets come from ticket brokers who buy event and concert tickets in bulk at discounted rates directly from the venue. A small portion of tickets in our inventory are offered by the venues themselves to ensure a packed house, and an even smaller portion are from private resellers who, for some reason or another, are unable to attend the event.

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Each concert hall and arena in our system has loaded an interactive seating chart. This way when you highlight a ticket offering you are interested in, the map is then highlighted showing where that seat is located. You can also click on your preferred section of the seating chart to narrow down the list of tickets available to just the section you want to be seated in.
Concert Venue Seating Chart

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Our staff here at CountryMusicOnTour.com has a direct relationship with publicists and venue managers across the country, focusing only on country music. It allows us to stay on top of every detail of the touring industry when it comes to your favorite country stars. We are usually the first to get new tour announcements, ticket presale codes,  and concert schedules.

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There are three ways tickets are added to our system. Each of these ways allows a concert ticket seller to add tickets to our inventory the moment the event is confirmed.
1). A ticket broker will have physical tickets in their possession and add them to our available inventory, making it available for Direct Sale.
2). A ticket broker will have a relationship with the concert venue that allows them to guarantee the advanced sale of a particular concert ticket in our inventory, making it available for a Fulfillment Order.
3). A private individual can offer a concert ticket they are unable to use for Direct Sale within our system rather than let the ticket go to waste.

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Since our tickets come from many sources including third-party brokers all the way to the venues themselves, tickets that are held back from the original onsale dates are often sold in the secondary market after the major concert ticket retailers have closed off sales on their own sites. These can be extra tickets that promoters were holding onto or tickets from other fans that couldn’t make it to the show after all.

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