Gretchen Wilson – Concert Tour Dates 2008

Gretchen Wilson Concert Tour Info:

Bartending at 14 alongside her mother–Gretchen Wilson found release in country and rock music. She was on her own by 15, managing Big O’s, a bar outside town, and singing for its rough-and-tumble patrons. She sang along to CD’s for tips until she was old enough to join a cover band and sing as far down the interstate as St. Louis.

Dreams and talent combined to send her in 1996 to Nashville, where she put her bartending skills to use in Printers’ Alley, sitting in with the band now and then. It was there that John Rich and Big Kenny ran across her. The rest has become phenominal history as she is now an inspirational icon for country girls the whole world round.

When it comes to the music,” she says, “I get involved on a personal level in everything that counts. I’m involved in the writing, recording, producing, mixing, and promoting of the music, down to which photos we pick and how the lyrics are laid out on the paper. I’ve been very lucky that way from the beginning in that the people at my label, when it came down to it, have trusted me with my gut on the music.”

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