Las Vegas Country Festival Concert Tickets

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The tour dates and tickets listed above are part of an affiliate partnership resale marketplace and come with a 100% Money-Back Guarantee*

100% Money Back Guarantee*
*You will receive a 100% refund for your tickets if:
  1. Your order was accepted but not delivered by seller.
  2. Your order was accepted but not delivered by time for the event.
  3. Your tickets were not valid for entry. More Info
X We stand behind you 100%.

We know how much your event means to you, and we will stand behind you if there are any issues with your order. is a resale marketplace where live event fans like you can find the tickets you want. Tickets sold on the marketplace are sold by independent sellers, from fans to professional ticket brokers.

You will receive a 100% refund for your tickets if:
- Your order was accepted but not delivered by the seller.
- Your order was accepted but not delivered in time for the event.
- Your tickets were not valid for entry. (1)

But we do not stop there. You also have our 100% Money Back Guarantee if:
- Your event is cancelled and is not rescheduled. (2)

You can purchase your tickets with peace of mind knowing we have you covered. Once your order is placed, all you have to do is get ready for the fun times headed your way when the event day arrives.

(1) Verifiable proof must be provided in letter form from the venue. Written or stamped "voids" do not constitute verifiable proof.
(2) 100% refund for a cancelled event does not include shipping.
Our confidence in the sellers that list tickets on our exchange allows us to offer you this guarantee.


Tom Howard

How soon will we know the dates for the route 91 Vegas 2015. Best festival by far, thanks for putting on a fantastic festival!

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